Koko Template

Here is another fully customizable template. The banner at the top will be changed to indicate your organization. We can also swap out pictures of the goat and the background. Just send in a good picture of your animal and a landscape scenery picture. We can also add a telephone number at the top, if you desire that.

The links on the left can be changed. If you don't like the font/size/color/order of them, we will have them fit your need.
If you want to have a different background color, we can add whatever you need. Same with a background image. The text font/color/size can all be set to your preferences. Fill out the worksheet for all of the other options with these templates. As you can see the link colors are the default. Those can be changed with the initial setup, or later on during a maintenance time.

On the index page, we will put 3 pictures and captions. Any additional text can be added as desired. To some degree we can suggest things to add to the pages, but if you have something you really want on there, just e-mail it to us and we will place it where it belongs.
The text in the body can either be centered or justified. We can make different lines different colors to draw attention to them.
Contact information can be added at the bottom and will display on every page. If you can think it (in terms of visual presentation), there is a chance we can do it.